“Orange and Pink Flowers”

Things get personal in this one. We had a pretty heavy experience this week, in which we encountered a family member with whom we have an unresolved and painful relationship. We thought we’d use it as an opportunity to explore some ideas around how to walk into potentially uncomfortable or distressing situations with other humans, with peace and confidence. Easier said than done, sometimes – but we found some positive and helpful takeaways, and we hope you might find something resonant in them.

And then in the second half of the episode we talk through a listener topic from Jeff H., on how to keep that January 1 enthusiasm, momentum, and optimism lasting all year. Jamie has a bunch of strategies for setting realistic goals and keeping yourself on a healthy track toward their accomplishment – and Shannon has a different take entirely!

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“We’ve solved world peace! Done.”

We thought we’d start things off easy in the new year. So, in the first half of this episode, we talk about how to make peace with past versions of yourself. No big deal!

And then in the second half of the episode, we tackle a closely-related listener topic from Julie A., regarding overcoming your past mistakes and turning difficult times into learning opportunities.

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“Let’s Build a Time Machine”

In which we take a look back at 2018! Our favorite tour moments … the new music we obsessed over … our best new experiences … our highest and lowest personal moments … we break down our year and then we put it all back together.

We experimented with a new format in this episode … we agreed upon questions prior to the show, and we each thought of our answers in private, and then we interviewed one other and surprised each other with our responses. It came out excellently. Our favorite episode yet!

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“Just Outside the Comfort Zone”

Apropos of an email exchange we had this week, we unwrap some of the layers of assumed identity and protective persona that we humans armor ourselves with as we navigate the world.

And then in the second half of the episode we share our thoughts on an unintentionally seasonal listener topic from Lee Ann W., about how people with differing views can treat one other with respect.

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“Christmas Casino Buffet”

The season for holiday stress is upon us! We talk about pressure, anxiety, expectations, letting go of old rituals, and what reimagining tradition can look like in this fraught time of the year.

And then the second half of this episode is excellent! Inspired by a listener question from Kim L., we talk about how to manage the ups and downs of working together as creatives. It turns out that this basically means that we talk about how to interact with other humans in healthier and more intentional ways — including the humans we happen to be partnered with.

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Inspired by an interview we did last week, we elaborate on the question, “What is success?” Turns out it’s a pretty deep question, with ramifications for one’s self-worth, sense of identity, and general happiness. So we get deep with it.

And then in the second half of the episode we explore a listener topic from Jean W., about the preconditions for creativity.

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“Five THOUSAND Cookies”

It’s been quite a week since Episode 1! Shannon’s beloved grandma Vi passed away, after a long reign as Best Grandma Ever. We share some favorite memories, and we talk about some lessons we learned from the way she lived and the way she transitioned into the end of her life.

And then in the second half of the episode, we delve into a Listener Topic about the idea of making mistakes, in art and in life, and why that might actually be a good thing.

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“Origin Story”

It’s Episode 1! Yes; we have started a podcast. Because why not try something else that’s new and scary and unknown, in a year that’s been characterized by doing new / scary / unknown things? We talk about the year of transition and risk-taking that we’ve had, how the launch of Misfit Stars fits into all of that, and the hopes we have for going deeper with our community through these interactive conversations.

And what exactly is “Misfit Stars,” anyway? We talk about the origin of the podcast’s name, and how each of us has felt like a misfit — and also like a star! — in our lives. Juicy stories from the wayback machine included.

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