“Karma isn’t just a good idea; it’s the law.”

We did a lot of driving across the South this last week, starting in Wilmington, NC and ending up in Texas. We stopped en route in Montgomery, Alabama, to see firsthand how that city is grappling with its history of slave-trading. It went … differently than we’d expected it would. We talk about this, and this week’s (wonderful) concerts, in the first part of the episode.

And then, in the second part, we talk about an email we got from someone who was a guest at a house concert a while back. It crossed some boundaries! And it also reaffirmed for both of us that we’re on the right path, both with what we’re doing and with how we’re doing it. You can’t please everyone … and you shouldn’t try.

You can (and should) listen to the ‘Seeing White’ podcasts at https://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/.

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