“Anti-semitism is bad; Halloween is good.” 🎃

We’re officially back for Season 5! We’re talking about how great it is when the government we’ve elected actually does good stuff for us, how monopolies suck, why Shannon has become a cold-blooded murderer, why we can’t merely ignore Kanye West’s hate speech, what it feels like to go out of your depth, and — inspired by Jamie’s birthday — just how very old we all are, with a fun perspective brought to us courtesy of Seinfeld’s George Costanza.

Here’s the link for Vote Save America, in case you need to get registered / learn about your local ballot issues / sign up to volunteer (HINT HINT).

Today’s a great day to subscribe—on Apple Podcasts, or Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts—so you don’t miss a single episode of our new season! (And it helps us when you subscribe, rate, and review—so thank you!)