$13,160 DONATED SO FAR by 153 people
$0 to go until we reach Goal 8 ($12,000)!
(Goal 1 of $2,000 reached 5/19 at 5:11pm! Thank you!!)
(Goal 2 of $4,000 reached 5/20 at 5:10pm! Thank you!!)
(Goal 3 of $5,000 reached 5/21 at 7:18pm! Thank you!!)
(Goal 4 of $7,000 reached 5/23 at 12:14pm! Thank you!!
(Goal 5 of $9,000 reached 5/25 at 8:06pm! Thank you!!)
(Goal 6 of $10,000 reached 5/26 at 9:06am! Thank you!!)
(Goal 7 of $11,000 reached 5/27 at 12:33pm! Thank you!!)
We’re rallying our community to raise money in support of a life-extending treatment needed by an incredible person who has incurable cancer: our dear, dear friend Michelle van de Pol.

Michelle is one of the most important people in our lives. She’s family. As Shannon puts it: “I owe the existence of every good thing in my life today to the way in which Michelle showed up for me, in a big way, at a pivotal time in my life.”
Michelle opened her home to Shannon when Shannon was living in a converted garage on an alley in Sacramento, freshly divorced, broke, and barely making ends meet. It was life-changing support. A year and a half later, when we were unable to afford a proper recording studio, Michelle let us set up a DIY studio in her house to record Shannon’s now-classic debut, the “Boomerangs & Seesaws” EP. And the list goes on. Michelle has shown up for us in so many ways over the last couple of decades. And now we want to return the favor.
Multiple myeloma is currently incurable. But stem cell treatment can extend the lifespan of the person who has it by 5 years or more. There is groundbreaking research on multiple myeloma happening right now — 5 more years could mean that Michelle lives to see the cure for this currently incurable disease.
Even with the best insurance she can buy, Michelle’s out-of-pocket expenses are going to be north of $60,000. She’s self-employed with two kids; she needs help. We’re hoping that we can raise minimally $5,000 from our amazing community (that’s you!) toward her expenses. If we can raise that quickly, we’re going to try for more.
Please be as generous as you’re able. Let’s see what we can do to help this amazing person who has helped the two of us so much. Thank you so much for contributing. ❤️
Oh geez! Yes! Of course! We got so caught up in the emotional side of this that we almost forgot. But of course we have things that we want to give you to say thanks for your incredible generosity!
Specifically: we have made not one but TWO NEW ALBUMS this year — and we want to give them both to you!
ALBUM #1: “2020101.” This is the album that we’ve been working on, publicly and in real time, for the last three months, about our community’s experience of 2020. 10 of 11 songs are out and in the world, and we couldn’t be prouder of them. Song 11 comes out on the last day of this fundraiser — May 27th.
ALBUM #2: “And Her Song Becomes a Remix.” Surprise … we’ve been secretly working on a SECOND ALBUM for the last year! It’s a remix album. We asked 10 awesome artist friends of ours to reinterpret songs from last year’s album “And Her Whisper Becomes a Storm.” And they all hit it out of the park. This album is 60 minutes of cool journeys for the mind. It’s excellent for working out, putting on while you’re making dinner, or sitting with headphones and going deep.
Immediately upon checking out, you will be taken to a page with:
- streaming links for both albums
- download links for high-quality MP3 copies of both albums
- a place to request that deluxe CD packages of one or both albums be mailed to your house later this year, if you still listen to CDs!
Over 1 hour and 40 minutes of new music. All for you. Thank you again, SO much, for pitching in. It means the world.