This is a series of episodes that we aired between September and December, 2021. We focused in this series on our experiences with long-term sobriety and recovery.
We hope this is of some value to you. If you want or need to talk with someone about sobriety-related issues, please feel free to message one of us. ❤️
- “I’ve been driving around in a dirty car.”
- “Shannon’s recovery origin story.”
- “Jamie’s recovery origin story.”
- “The escape hatch.”
- “No more plate-spinning.”
- “How low can you go?”
- “The difference between abstinence and sobriety.”
- “Control problems.”
- “The loopiness has kicked in.”
- “Imagine if the dust under your couch could kill you.”
- “Not recovered — recovering.”
- “Cowpaths in the brain.”
- “Serenity is not ‘I’m at the spa.’” 🛁